
The Best Sports To Keep Seniors Active

seniors sports

Engaging in seniors’ sports has been recognized as a means of staying healthy during old age. Fortunately, there are a wide range of physical activities that enable you to maintain a healthy body. From swimming and water aerobics to golf and fishing; you can never run out of options of less strenuous sporting activities that you love. If you think you need to take better care of your heart at an old age, here are some activities you can choose.


Many benefits come with cycling. It helps in release bad mental energy, enhances flexibility on the joints, strengthens muscles, increases blood flow and maintains body balance. There is more! Cycling is an interactive sport that can be done with friends. If you love cycling, enroll with your local gym and keep fit while seeing outdoor places.


Walking is one of those physical activities that both young and old people can indulge in comfortably. Walking is free, and it allows you to go outdoors. Besides, you can walk at your preferred speed. You can walk alone, or join your local group with walking programs for a chance to interact and make new friends in the process. Some places where you can walk include parks and conservation areas where you can walk as you breathe fresh outdoor air.


This is a game that involves a net and a ball just like tennis. The only difference is that the players move a bit slower on a smaller court. You can choose to play singles or doubles. The latter allows you to not only interact but to coordinate with your partner on the court. It’s good for the joints and muscular strength.

Weight and Resistance Training

Weight lifting and resistance training is an excellent way of keeping strong as you continue to age. However, it is critical to consult your doctor or physical trainer when you want to indulge in weight lifting, so they recommend the right techniques and weights. Whether at home or in the gym, you can keep strong in different ways: dragging and pulling objects. You can also use body weight exercises like sit-ups and push-ups.


Golf is an activity that anyone of any age can love. An exciting aspect of the game is that most players tend to become skillful as they reach old age. When players swing the club, the torso moves across a wide range of motion increasing flexibility. Additionally, as you walk from hole to hole, your cardiovascular activity rises. That helps in maintaining a healthy heart.

How to Get Started Safely

While it is critical to keep exercising to maintain good health, wellness professionals encourage that you do it safely. Here are some essential tips to help you start on seniors sports safely.

Obtain medical clearance. Consult your physician especially when you have a health condition. The doctor will advise you on those activities you should avoid.

Are you under any medication? Consider the impact that our current health situation and meds will affect your exercising routine. For instance, if you have diabetes, you need to plan your medication and meal times when creating your workout schedule.

Pay attention to your body. Exercise is meant to improve your health. Therefore, whenever you feel lousy, dizzy or any pains, consult your doctor to get medical attention before playing seniors sports.

Looking for home exercises you do to keep your balance? Read our latest article for more information!

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