
Easy Jobs for Seniors to Make Money After Retirement

side jobs for seniors

Believe it or not, there are more jobs for seniors than ever. Even though retirement is something most people look forward to, those who are already retired will admit, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. A lot of this is due to having too much free time on their hands.

Fortunately, in the era we live in, there are so many jobs that seniors can indulge in to pass away time and at the same time earn some good cash while doing so.

Therefore, if your golden clock is ticking its way towards retirement, you are in good company because below is an outline of some of the cushy jobs you can do for additional income and without going through too much hassle.


Pet- sitting is a great way to spend your free time, especially if you’re an animal person. It gives you the chance to hang out with your furry best friends and also make new ones, because the pet parents automatically become friends. Also, you will get to meet all sorts of animals that you love as there are sites that are specifically dedicated to connecting pet-sitters with pet-parents. Besides sites, a friend or a neighbor might be going on a business trip or a vacation, and they can’t tag their paw-friend along, thus giving you a chance to pet-sit for them. You can also start your own pet-sitting business or work with a local shelter. Hanging out with these animals gives you more satisfaction as pets have been proven to have a therapeutic effect on humans.

Rent out your space

Now that you are at home and your kids moved out a long time ago for college or any other reason, why don’t you let that extra room or two earn you additional income? Nowadays getting someone to rent out your space isn’t that hard. This is thanks to sites like Airbnb which connect you to interested renters. The interesting bit about renting out your space nowadays is that you don’t have to do it permanently. Thanks to sites like HomeAway and Airbnb, you can rent out your space to tourists and business people who are within your area for a few days. After that, they’ll be gone. This is especially a good idea if you don’t like the idea of having a stranger move into your space for a long time.

Drive for Uber or lyft

If you enjoy driving around and your car has been sitting up in the garage since you retired, then it’s time to consider Uber or Lyft. Apart from the fact that you will be making money while doing something you enjoy, you also get a chance to meet new characters every day. All you need to do is register with the companies and start earning while you cruise around your town and other different places.

Teach English

If none of the above ideas appeals to you and you can speak, read and write English fluently, then you still have an indispensable skill to earn you money and get you occupied. Even though to you it might seem easy, to most people, English is a second language and thereby hard to master. So if you are fluent with it, then this is an excellent opportunity to turn your fluency into cash. What’s even better is that you don’t need to move an inch as you can do it right from the comfort of your couch thanks to the myriads of English-teaching sites available online.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, in the digital era we live in, there are so many jobs that seniors can do which don’t involve a stressful commute process or a lot of physical effort. For instance, apart from the ones listed above, a senior can also blog, run a home garden, cook and do home deliveries around the neighborhood or even become a tour guide.


Getting close to retirement? Here’s our article on the best states to retire to.

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